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Ed is responsible for global leadership and management of Grant Thornton, including the implementation and execution of the global strategy. He heads the global leadership team, which supports him in the day-to-day management of the organisation. Ed also chairs Grant Thornton’s strategy committee and is a member of its Board of governors.

Focusing on the relationship he builds with each client and colleague, Ed has spent more than 30 years with Grant Thornton, serving clients, assuming leadership positions and helping to shape the accounting profession.


  • Increased global revenues substantially during his tenure
  • Quoted in a variety of news outlets, including CNBC, BBC, The Harvard Business Review and The Wall Street Journal


He was previously CEO of Grant Thornton US. During Ed’s nine-year leadership, the US operations tripled revenues to approximately US$1.2 billion.

Outside the office, he is a member of the board of trustees of the Financial Accounting Foundation and the International Integrated Reporting Committee.


  • BSc in business administration summa cum laude (The Ohio State University)
  • MSc degree in management (Purdue University)
  • Certified public accountant
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