At Grant Thornton, our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of financial reporting.
IFRS support
Our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of the Standards so you can focus your time and effort on running your business.

Transfer pricing
The laws surrounding transfer pricing are becoming ever more complex, as tax affairs of multinational companies are facing scrutiny from media, regulators and the public
Tax Audit
Our trusted teams can prepare corporate tax files and ruling requests, support you with deferrals, accounting procedures and legitimate tax benefits.
Tax Appeal
Our teams have in-depth knowledge of the relationship between domestic and international tax laws.
Advance Ruling
Through our global organisation of member firms, we support both companies and individuals, providing insightful solutions to minimise the tax burden for both parties.
Tax Treaty Benefits Application
Tax Treaty Benefits Application
FINI/FIDI Tax Services
Our solutions include dealing with emigration and tax mitigation on the income and capital growth of overseas assets.
Expatriate Income Tax Filing
Our team has extensive experience in helping expatriates in Taiwan to file personal income returns and claim tax refund where applicable. We file approximately 300 expatriate personal income tax returns in Taiwan annually.
Effective bookkeeping and financial accounting are essential to the success of forward-thinking organisations. To get the optimum benefit from this part of your business, you'll need an experienced team behind you.
Inventory movement reporting
Outsourcing your operations and specific business functions to Grant Thornton can not only cut costs, but also bring new insights and experience to your business.
Payroll administration
Payroll and, in addition, personnel administration are the biggest and most time-consuming challenges facing expanding organisations. Grant Thornton’s outsourcing teams can manage these commitments on your behalf, allowing you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.
Trust account management
Running a transparent and trusted business means keeping shareholders, owners, management and other important stakeholders informed about key developments in your organisation.
VAT returns
At Grant Thornton, we understand the pressures management is under to achieve results, and for this reason we have developed systems for taking away the burden of compliance chores, leaving you to spend your time and energy on the core activities that ultimately lead to growth.
Head Office reporting
Businesses frequently outsource some of their daily operating tasks in order to focus their energy on their core competencies, while improving performance and lowering costs of their non-core activities. By saving time and money, Grant Thornton's outsourcing services allow clients to concentrate on what is really important to their business.
Executive Search
We understand that HR leaders need to focus on securing talents and this is no easy exercise. Our mission is to share best practices with our clients and help our clients to stay competitive in the market. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about details of our services and how we can work together with you.
Work Permit and Employment Gold Card Application Services
Work Permit and Employment Gold Card Application Services
Expatriate Tax
Expatriate Tax
PRIMA Consulting Services
PRIMA Consulting Services
Business Operation Plan Composition
Business Operation Plan Composition
Setting up legal entities
With a global network of experts in their respective tax and regulatory environments, Grant Thornton advisors help individuals and corporations establish the type of business entity that will best position them to achieve their goals from the very start of their operations.
Liquidation and de-registration
Sometimes a business suffers an adverse event which impacts its ability to continue trading. And sometimes a solvent sale proves unsuccessful or a turnaround just isn't an option.
Update company statutory record
With a global network of experts in their respective tax and regulatory environments, Grant Thornton advisors help individuals and corporations establish the type of business entity that will best position them to achieve their goals from the very start of their operations.
Merger and Acquisition
Merger and Acquisition

Administrative remedies
Administrative remedies
Corporate legal consulting
Corporate legal consulting
Bankruptcy and restructuring
Bankruptcy and restructuring
Company dissolutions and liquidations
Company dissolutions and liquidations
Supplier and employee background investigations
Supplier and employee background investigations
Legal attest letter drafting service
Legal attest letter drafting service
Preparation and review of agreements in Chinese and English
Preparation and review of agreements in Chinese and English
Lifting restrictions on going abroad
Lifting restrictions on going abroad
Labor law compliance and labor-management negotiation
Labor law compliance and labor-management negotiation
Business and personal asset planning
Inheritance, inheritance tax, family business, and personal asset planning
Not for profit organizations
Not for profit organizations
Find time for those closest to you
I spend a lot of time outside of work with friends and colleagues; going out, playing or watching sport, going to the cinema. But do I spend as much quality time as I should with my family? If you ask my Mum, she will say no.
The same accusation could be thrown at many companies: they spend a lot of time with customers and potential targets – the people they want to use their products in exchange for their cash. But stop and think for a second about how companies interact with their providers of finance – those investors that companies go to rarely, asking them to maintain belief in the business and the company’s management, and asking them for money in exchange for a share of ownership or a loan repayment arrangement. Do companies spend enough quality time with their providers of finance?
Think pages
Grant Thornton research of the UK FTSE 350 market shows that the average annual report now stands at over 500 or approximately 300,000 words. Typically, about half that information is historical financial data. The rest is generally a corporate governance statement, a CSR statement, notes from the Chairman and various Board committees, and a description of how the company’s business segments have performed.
Historical financial data is an absolute bedrock, a cornerstone, fundamental. But it is not enough, not on its own. And standalone statements about a company’s commitment to social responsibility convey the impression that societal contribution is an afterthought, rather than embedded within corporate values and daily decision making processes. Large UK companies provide shareholders with limited information on risk management and internal control, while only 27% of the FTSE 350 provide real insight into how they review the effectiveness of their systems of internal control. The vast majority fail to demonstrate the link between their business model, future plans, strategy to implement those plans, and key risks.
Reporting data in distinct sections of the annual report conveys the impression that the company is run in silos (whether it is or not). It would be much better to apply the principles of Integrated Reporting for internal and external reporting purposes, which will, in turn, better inform the decision making process.
Show you care
Some company information changes from year to year but some – called standing information – does not. It should remain accessible for reference by those providers of finance who value it and publicly available for people who are new to your company, but most investors do not need to see this every year. High value or periodic information should not become lost in standing information.
And one size does not fit all. Providing one bank of data effectively says to your providers of finance: here is the data I am giving you, now get on with it. It is not an impression you would want to leave with your customers, so treat your providers of finance with the same respect. The irony of damaging your valuable corporate reputation through the very channel that seeks to enhance that reputation should not be lost on any CEO. Consider providing this information at three levels: high level messages for all and full granular data for those who want to drill right down, and a third level somewhere in the middle.
It’s good to listen
My best customer experiences come when companies go out of their way to help; they deal with requests or complaints in a prompt, respectful manner. This is not my experience of corporate reporting however. Often the company talks a lot but does very little listening to its providers of finance. There is at times a real risk that companies and their providers of finance are talking past each other, which is unhealthy for both parties.
The idea of shareholder stewardship – the notion that shareholders engage in dialogue with management about the issues that are important to them – is gaining traction across Europe. If that dialogue is to be rich in content, foster mutual understanding, and ultimately help the capital markets become more efficient then the willingness on the part of shareholders to engage must be matched by the company’s commitment to transparent and high quality communications to form the basis of that dialogue.
Your corporate reporting is a reflection of your company. Give more thought to what you say publicly about your company, and how you say it. Show your providers of finance that you care. It is likely to improve your corporate relationships. And find a little more time for your family. Next time we go to visit my Mum I’ll see if I can turn the usual lunch into a full weekend.
Nick Jeffrey is a director of public policy at Grant Thornton.