At Grant Thornton, our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of financial reporting.
IFRS support
Our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of the Standards so you can focus your time and effort on running your business.

Transfer pricing
The laws surrounding transfer pricing are becoming ever more complex, as tax affairs of multinational companies are facing scrutiny from media, regulators and the public
Tax Audit
Our trusted teams can prepare corporate tax files and ruling requests, support you with deferrals, accounting procedures and legitimate tax benefits.
Tax Appeal
Our teams have in-depth knowledge of the relationship between domestic and international tax laws.
Advance Ruling
Through our global organisation of member firms, we support both companies and individuals, providing insightful solutions to minimise the tax burden for both parties.
Tax Treaty Benefits Application
Tax Treaty Benefits Application
FINI/FIDI Tax Services
Our solutions include dealing with emigration and tax mitigation on the income and capital growth of overseas assets.
Expatriate Income Tax Filing
Our team has extensive experience in helping expatriates in Taiwan to file personal income returns and claim tax refund where applicable. We file approximately 300 expatriate personal income tax returns in Taiwan annually.
Effective bookkeeping and financial accounting are essential to the success of forward-thinking organisations. To get the optimum benefit from this part of your business, you'll need an experienced team behind you.
Inventory movement reporting
Outsourcing your operations and specific business functions to Grant Thornton can not only cut costs, but also bring new insights and experience to your business.
Payroll administration
Payroll and, in addition, personnel administration are the biggest and most time-consuming challenges facing expanding organisations. Grant Thornton’s outsourcing teams can manage these commitments on your behalf, allowing you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.
Trust account management
Running a transparent and trusted business means keeping shareholders, owners, management and other important stakeholders informed about key developments in your organisation.
VAT returns
At Grant Thornton, we understand the pressures management is under to achieve results, and for this reason we have developed systems for taking away the burden of compliance chores, leaving you to spend your time and energy on the core activities that ultimately lead to growth.
Head Office reporting
Businesses frequently outsource some of their daily operating tasks in order to focus their energy on their core competencies, while improving performance and lowering costs of their non-core activities. By saving time and money, Grant Thornton's outsourcing services allow clients to concentrate on what is really important to their business.
Executive Search
We understand that HR leaders need to focus on securing talents and this is no easy exercise. Our mission is to share best practices with our clients and help our clients to stay competitive in the market. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about details of our services and how we can work together with you.
Work Permit and Employment Gold Card Application Services
Work Permit and Employment Gold Card Application Services
Expatriate Tax
Expatriate Tax
PRIMA Consulting Services
PRIMA Consulting Services
Business Operation Plan Composition
Business Operation Plan Composition
Setting up legal entities
With a global network of experts in their respective tax and regulatory environments, Grant Thornton advisors help individuals and corporations establish the type of business entity that will best position them to achieve their goals from the very start of their operations.
Liquidation and de-registration
Sometimes a business suffers an adverse event which impacts its ability to continue trading. And sometimes a solvent sale proves unsuccessful or a turnaround just isn't an option.
Update company statutory record
With a global network of experts in their respective tax and regulatory environments, Grant Thornton advisors help individuals and corporations establish the type of business entity that will best position them to achieve their goals from the very start of their operations.
Merger and Acquisition
Merger and Acquisition

Administrative remedies
Administrative remedies
Corporate legal consulting
Corporate legal consulting
Bankruptcy and restructuring
Bankruptcy and restructuring
Company dissolutions and liquidations
Company dissolutions and liquidations
Supplier and employee background investigations
Supplier and employee background investigations
Legal attest letter drafting service
Legal attest letter drafting service
Preparation and review of agreements in Chinese and English
Preparation and review of agreements in Chinese and English
Lifting restrictions on going abroad
Lifting restrictions on going abroad
Labor law compliance and labor-management negotiation
Labor law compliance and labor-management negotiation
Business and personal asset planning
Inheritance, inheritance tax, family business, and personal asset planning
Not for profit organizations
Not for profit organizations
Day one: Public finances, Big Data and oil
The IMF sounded a note of cautious optimism in their quarterly economic outlook, supporting our most recent figures from the International Business Report. Global growth is expected to come in at around 3% this year with advanced economies improving but some developing markets weakening. The parlous state of public finances around the world and the uncertain impact of the oil price fall are concerns, but Big Data provides an opportunity to revolutionise the business world, as explained below.
Public finances: risks remain elevated
The IMF Fiscal Monitor says that public finance risks around the world remain elevated due to high debt and low inflation, although there is no single solution for economies in obvious distress. However, the drop in the oil price provides a "golden opportunity" to reduce energy subsidies in developing economies, as government expenditure could be shifted to more productive investment areas for long-term growth, such as health and education. In advanced economies, the IMF wants to see governments use this fiscal space to raise energy taxes (especially on carbon-emitting production) while lowering employment taxes, which it cites as some of the most detrimental to growth.
The broader message stressed the importance of macroeconomic stability for growth. The IMF advises economies to build up "fiscal buffers" in good times through the use of "automatic stabilisers" - for example, unemployment benefits, which are a lower fiscal burden in good times and vice versa. For mid-market businesses, this message in particular will ring true; taking on an extra employee or investing in a new piece of machinery is a bigger commitment (relatively speaking) compared with a larger enterprise.
Big Data: an opportunity to drive productivity growth
More than 90% of the world's data has been created over the past two years, an amazing and perhaps terrifying fact. The problem we have is how to sift through it all to find solutions to the world's most pressing problems.
The good news is that Big Data is increasingly providing an evidence base for better interventions. One example is Better Work which uses sensors to track the activity of over one million factory workers around the world. The data collected is sold to big brands to boost supply chain integrity and to factories themselves to help design and implement codes of conduct. It is also provided to governments and researchers to help design interventions and improve public policy outcomes.
Business leaders should actively be looking at how data streams could help them better manage supply chains, better forecast fluctuations in demand and improve productivity. The information is increasingly available. The key is cutting through the Big Data to find the 'Big Indicator' to unlock a company's potential for growth.
Oil prices: an era of lower commodity prices
The World Bank is expecting a sustained period of low oil (and other commodity) prices. Whether this is good news or bad news depends very much on whether an economy (or business, for that matter) is a net exporter or importer of commodities.
Some of the regions hardest hit are the Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, where the profitable export of natural resources to China and other rapidly growing economies has fuelled economic expansion over recent years. Sub-Saharan Africa alone has seen its growth forecast shaved by 0.6% due to the oil price drop. The wider issue for these economies is how much their fiscal position relies on oil revenues. For countries such as Venezuela or Angola, where oil accounts for more than three-quarters of tax revenue, the price drop is a major concern.
By contrast, oil importing nations have been presented with an economic gift. India has seen inflation fall rapidly and is now expected to be the fastest growing major economy in 2015. East Asia is expected to grow by an additional 0.4%. How these economies capitalise on this improved position will be crucial to their long-term development. In South Asia, an estimated one third of the population have no access to electricity, so removing energy sector distortions is a priority. Encouragingly, India and Indonesia has moved to withdraw costly fuel subsidies (which tend to benefit the better off) but it remains to be seen whether this windfall will be spent on the education, governance, ICT and transport infrastructure these economies need.
Key recommendations for business leaders
- the global recovery is looking increasingly lopsided, with pockets of strength in some economies such as India, the UK and US, but severe challenges remain in Brazil, Japan, the eurozone and Russia. Business leaders need to weigh up the risks and opportunities of expanding into different markets while there is so much uncertainty
- the rise of Big Data is being driven by new technologies, ubiquitous monitoring and a desire to better understand the world and how it operates. Business leaders should make the most, not only of the data streams they own, but also those they can access, to make more informed decisions and raise the productivity of their operations
- global output and oil use have increasingly become decoupled over recent years, so the impact of the fall in commodity prices has not been as marked as it might have been in previous periods. Businesses which use a lot of oil (or other commodities) stand to benefit while producers are clearly losing out. The key for both is putting in place plans which are flexible enough to respond to future changes in the demand for and supply of natural resources.